How to Use a BBQ Pizza Oven: Tips and Tricks

Homemade pizza recipes taste even better when cooked in backyards using a BBQ pizza oven. Yes, you read that right — a barbecue accessory that turns your gas or charcoal grill into an outdoor gourmet pizzeria! If you’re considering investing in one soon, this guide will walk you through how it works and how to cook with one.

What Are BBQ Pizza Ovens?

Pizza ovens are a type of BBQ with a unique dome shape designed for making pies from scratch at home. They are made from materials such as stainless steel that can withstand high temperatures up to 950 degrees F.

The magic lies in their ability to trap heat in the dome and through the material. Simply slide your homemade or premade pizza into the oven through the opening. There’s no heat loss from opening and closing as you’d do with a regular oven. Thanks to the high temperature, your crust can bake to crispy perfection in just a few minutes.

How Do Pizza Ovens Work?

These upgraded BBQ wonders rely on high, retained heat circulating within the oven to cook your food. They don’t use an open flame, so the pizza itself and its toppings won’t burn. This setup ensures a perfectly crispy crust and melted, gooey cheese.

Although the cooking time is shorter, toppings like veggies and meat may need more cooking time. Tip: Precook them on the stove and cut them into small, thin pieces before adding them to your steel pizza oven.

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Read our guide to ‘How Hot Is a Pizza Oven?’ for more information.

Cooking with a Portable Pizza Oven

  1. Preheat your BBQ pizza oven to the desired temperature (around 450°F to 500°F) with the pizza stone inside. Doing so helps ensure the stone reaches the ideal temperature for a well-baked crust.
  2. Take your pizza dough and shape it into your preferred size and thickness. Use a rolling pin or clean hands, and you may leave a slightly thicker crust at the edges.
  3. Place a sheet of parchment paper or sprinkle cornmeal or flour on a pizza peel. Transfer the shaped dough onto the peel so it slides well onto the pizza stone.
  4. Spread a thin layer of pizza sauce evenly over the dough, leaving a border around the edges. Add your desired toppings without overloading, which may affect the cooking process.
  5. Transfer the pizza from the peel onto the preheated mini pizza oven. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion to slide it off the peel and onto the stone.
  6. Keep a close eye on the pizza as it cooks. The cooking time can vary depending on the oven temperature and the thickness of the crust.
  7. About halfway through the cooking process, use tongs or a pizza peel to rotate the pizza 180 degrees. This ensures even cooking and prevents any hot spots.
  8. Keep an eye on the crust’s colour and texture. It should be golden brown and crispy, and the cheese should be melted and bubbly. Once the ideal texture is achieved, take out your freshly baked homemade pizza.
  9. Allow it to cool for a few minutes before slicing it into wedges; serve and enjoy!

So what are you waiting for? fire up your BBQ pizza oven and enjoy making more homemade pizzas this summer outdoors! Next on your reading list: How to Host a Party With a Portable Pizza Oven?